वैदेशिक रोजगारको पीडाः ‘आफूले पाउने तलबको कुरा गर्दा तातो पनिउँले कुट्थे’ सबैले शेयर गर्नुहोस

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KHOTANG - "I had no information about employment abroad as foreign." A woman returning from abroad said, "to go abroad for ¥ m level to the required legal process is all about, I would have already received information that had been such a very sad slumber?" Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Oman came to returning the diamond belt of nirmalidamda -3 Rai while Gandharva gitiyatraka his village before he reached the company filed information about the misery abroad. "As a child I began to plead with relatives abroad to send." He recalls bhanine, "twenty-five thousand rupees walked kumveta paying. Indiyako way back when Maiti Nepal said. "He added," The process really NRB ¥ UNDP foreign himdekale returned. " He also incited others to earn money abroad, hoping that she was ready to go to the Rai. "Nine years, Kuwait seat, but, if the money did not." He said, "They asked for money instead of working a hot paniumle the classroom floor." As domestic workers where a boy, repeatedly tortured by being kumvetama she said. Kuvetaki boy, will I not bought, the money given what he said a day after she was also given blanket stake. Sahuniko struggling to cope with excesses that she ran away from home Rai. "I was able to escape by themselves, hanging from four sheets." She said, "there has left the road found a man remembered as parents."

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